What is Biofield Tuning

Biofield Tuning is an energy medicine practice that uses specialized tuning forks in the biofield, the electromagnetic field that surrounds the body. The tuning forks locate where the body’s energy is blocked, trapped or not in harmony, the pure tone of the fork corrects the flow of energy and aligns the body’s energy to boost health and vitality.

The session

During a standard Biofield Tuning session the client lies fully clothed on a treatment table while the practitioner activates points on the body and scans the biofield slowly from a few feet away. The practitioner is feeling for resistance and turbulence in the client’s biofield, and listening for change in the overtones and undertones of the tuning fork. When the practitioner encounters a turbulent area she continues to activate the tuning fork and holds it in that spot, until the dissonance resolves and the resistance gives way. Research suggests the body’s organizing intelligence uses the steady coherent vibrational frequency of the tuning for to “tune” itself. Biofield Tuning sessions can also be conducted from a distance over the phone.

The Benefits

Biofield Tuning releases tension in the body. As the dissonance subsides, clients generally report feeling “lighter,” able to breath more freely, and a diminished resolution of their symptoms. People relax and breath more freely and the body enters into an increased state of flow.

Biofield Tuning can help with:

  • finding joy

  • relaxation

  • rebalancing

  • pain

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • PTSD

  • digestion

  • sleep

  • emotional “stuckness”

  • Adrenal burnout/stress

A series of three sessions to begin with is suggested, generally once a week. Very often issues can be resolved or greatly improved within three sessions, but there is no limit to how many sessions one can receive. Each session builds on the one before it; there are always deeper layers one can uncover.

Click here to see our cautions and guidelines to see if Biofield Tuning is right for you.


“When I began my first session with Laurel I had never heard of Biofield Tuning before. She was amazing at explaining everything in a simple, easy to understand way, as she works on my field. I liked her descriptions, which allowed me to create my own visualizations during the process. She used a combinationtion of crystals and tuning forks, and always explained her tools, why she liked them, and what they did, as she proceeded. The first session was interesting and calming, I felt more in touch with my body and connected afterward, and was curious to learn more about the practice. The second session drew out an image in my mind from a buried memory, which, coupled with the words she told me were assigned to the area of my field, provided clues for ways to work through what was coming up. I was very thankful for Laurel’s kind and easygoing presence through the process, which I felt made space for anything that needed attention to arise. She told me we would only work more deeply on one area per session, which felt comforting and manageable. After the session I wrote out all the details of the memory, how it made me feel, and how I could assimilate the discomfort that it brought up. Our third session was glorious, since I now had familiarity with the process and trust in its healing power. I find Laurel to be the perfect fit for a practitioner of this type of work, since she is gifted at making things plain and clear, she is gentle and present, and nonjudgmental or pathologizing. I would recommend Biofield Tuning with Laurel to everyone!”

-Daviel S.


Located at 201 Miller Ave Mill Valley, CA

Book a Session

Sessions are $150 and last for 55 minutes, your first session may go a bit longer. Sessions can be done in-person or remotely, over the phone.

It’s recommended to book 3 sessions over a few week period to experience the most benefits from Biofield Tuning.